Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls is an American comedy drama TV series created by Amy Sherman-Palladino. Originally airing on The WB network in the US, the series began in October, 2000 and concluded on a different network in May, 2007 – eventually ending up on The CW. The cast includes Lauren Graham (Curb Your Enthusiasm), Alexis Bledel (The Handmaid’s Tale) and Milo Ventimiglia (Gotham). Following the lives of Lorelai Gilmore and her daughter, Rory, the show focuses on the very different relationships, ambitions and dreams of the two girls. Emerging from a high society upbringing, Rory struggles with her identity along with the issues surrounding her class, education and romantic endeavours.

 TV Show Air Date & Info for the UK

Next UK Air Date: N/A
Genre: Comedy, Drama

UK Channel: Universal TV

Country of Origin:  USA
Renewed: Ended
Broadcast: Weekly

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