Leavenworth is a controversial true-crime story playing out in the military justice system. The series is centred on Clint Lorance, who is serving a 19-year sentence for murder at The United States Penitentiary, Leavenworth. While deployed in Afghanistan in July 2012, the former lieutenant ordered fire on three local men riding a motorcycle, killing two of them and outraging his platoon. In a first-hand account of a soldier navigating the US Army’s legal system, Lorance seeks to overturn his conviction, provoking emotional debate between supporters and detractors that rises to the national stage. As determinations on Lorance’s fate unfold, questions probe not only the merits of his conviction, but analyse the system at large and ultimately test the balance of guilt and innocence in the inscrutable circumstances of today’s wars.
TV Show Air Date & Info for the UK
UK Channel: STARZ PLAY (Amazon Channel)
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