The Americans

The Americans is a US period spy thriller TV series created for FX. The show is set during the Cold War in the 1980’s and follows the story of Phillip Jennings (Matthew Rhys) and Elizabeth Jennings (Keri Russell), soviet officers posing undercover as an American couple living in Washington D.C. Their neighbour, Stan Beeman (Noah Emmerich) is an FBI agent, whom they are spying on.

The series has recieved widespread critical acclaim since its release in January 2013. Since its inception it has run for a total of 6 seasons.

 TV Show Air Date & Info for the UK

Next UK Air Date: N/A
Last Season: 6

UK Channel: ITV 4

Country of Origin:  USA
Renewed: Ended
Broadcast: Weekly

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The Americans on Amazon Prime Video The Americans on iTunes

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