Legacies continues the story of The Vampire Diaries and The Originals. The series follows the next generation of supernaturals as they attend The Salvatore Boarding School (the former house of the Salvatore and Gilbert families) for the Young and Gifted in the town of Mystic Falls. To the public, the Salvatore is a school for troubled rich kids, unaware that it houses supernatural teens learning to harness their powers and impulses (very much like X-Men). While tension escalates between the natural and supernatural, Hope (daughter of Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall from The Originals) and her friends deal with bullies, mean girls, and supernatural threats arriving an all-new ‘monster-of-the-week’ format.
TV Show Air Date & Info for the UK
UK Channel: No UK Broadcaster
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More like Legacies
We need legacies on UK TV got to see what happens with hope. Please.
Yes I would love to see it on ordinary tv as well as The originals last 2 series . I hate it so much when some programme’s start on a channel I have then they sell them off to a paid channel . It is so unfair
Originals is on Netflix’s all series
It didn’t it was four seasons live it’s in nexflix
Started a petition to get Netflix to put Legacies on the uk version please sign and share
Please put the legacies show, in the UK we need this. Please please please
I have been looking on line every day looking for information and there is nothing
I desperately want to see legacies too. I’ve even asked a friend in the US to find it for me!
Please put it on in the UK soon. I’ve signed the petition.