House of Cards is the Netflix Original political thriller hit, first released in 2013, which stars Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright. This show was a breakout success for Netflix and received widespread critical acclaim upon release. Following the journey of Congressman Frank Underwood (Spacey), from House Majority Whip to the pursuit of higher office, the audience is exposed to the dirty tactics and ruthlessness which accompany this over-arching quest for power. Employing the use of “breaking the fourth wall”, the true motives of Underwood are shown via monologues to the camera, adding a visceral and provocative dimension as we follow his progression through the political system.
Since the recent Kevin Spacey controversies, Netflix have dropped the actor for season 6 but have stated the show will go on without a hitch. We’re excited to see what they’ve got in store.
TV Show Air Date & Info for the UK
UK Channel: Netflix
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