Veronica Mars is an American teen noir mystery drama TV series that stars Kristen Bell (The Good Place). Originally premiering in September 2004, the series ran for 3 seasons before coming to an end in 2007. Following the story of Veronica Mars (Bell), a student who graduates from high school and moves to college – all the while acting as a private investigator. She solves a number of different cases and mysteries throughout the different seasons.
The series also stars Ryan Hansen (Santa Clarita Diet), Percy Daggs III and Teddy Dunn. In 2013, Bell launched a Kickstarter campaign in order to reboot the series as a feature film – which was released in March 2014. Now it looks like the show will be making a full come back, with eight episodes in the works for a 2019 Hulu release.
TV Show Air Date & Info for the UK
UK Channel: STARZ PLAY (Amazon Channel)
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