The Good Fight, which is a sequel/spinoff to The Good Wife, is an American legal and political drama web television series which follows Diane Lockhart (Christine Baranski), as she is forced out of Lockhart, Deckler, Gussman, Lee, Lyman, Gilbert-Lurie, Kagan, Tannebaum, & Associates (what a name) after an enormous financial scam destroys the reputation of her god-daughter Maia (Rose Leslie) and Diane’s savings, she must now start from scratch at a new firm.
You may recognise Rose Leslie from the extremely popular series Game Of Thrones, and Justin Bartha from The Hangover movie.
TV Show Air Date & Info for the UK
UK Channel: More 4
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Is season 4 of The Good Fight going to be shown in the UK on More 4? I understand it’s being shown in the US from 7th April on CBS.
9th from my knowledge I don’t think that the uk has been granted access to the season four of the Christine baranski led show the good fight 😢
That’s what I want to know…absolutely love the show.
But don’t seem to be any knowledge or answers to if this show will return to our uk screens
You’ll be pleased to know that for Season 4 they’ve dumped the two worst characters from Season 3.
Which ones?
Roland Blum and Maia rindell
any closer to knowing when the Good Fight Season 4 will air in the uk