Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created by David Benioff and D. B. It features a huge cast including Peter Dinklage, Lena Headey, Emilia Clarke, Kit Harington, Sophie Turner, Maisie Williams (Doctor Who), Gemma Whelan (later The End Of The F***ng World) and many more. It is an adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire, George R. R. Martin’s series of fantasy novels. The epic series brings a huge amount of action and drama to our screens, always keeping viewers hooked and wanting more. We’d recommend not having a favourite character however, as you might find yourself a little upset when they kill them off (as they love to do this). There are many story-lines within the series that interlink wonderfully.
The main story is centred around the Iron Throne, which is the key to ruling the whole of Westeros (politically, the ‘Seven Kingdoms’). Nine noble families fight for control over the Throne, while an ancient enemy returns after being dormant for thousands of years.
TV Show Air Date & Info for the UK
UK Channel: Sky Atlantic
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Fun Fact
The music is composed by German composer Ramin Djawadi, who also composes the music for Westworld.
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