Pretty Little Liars (commonly referred to online as just PLL) first premiered on 8th June 2010 in the USA. It stars Troian Bellisario, Lucy Hale, Shay Mitchell and Ashley Benson as four pretty teenage girls. The show starts one year after the mysterious disappearance of their best friend Alison (played by Sasha Pieterse).
Due to Alison’s disappearance their friendship group has fallen apart. On the anniversary of Alison’s disappearance the four are reunited for the first time. Shortly after this they start to receive texts from someone who identifies themselves as “A” and threatens to expose their worst kept secrets.
TV Show Air Date & Info for the UK
UK Channel: Netflix
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Fun Fact
Sasha Pieterse who plays Alison in the show was only 12 years old when the pilot for PLL was filmed.
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