Black Sails is an American period adventure drama, set on New Providence Island, which takes a lot of its plot references from Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel Treasure Island. The series debuted online on YouTube for free on January 18th, 2014. It has executive production credits for Michael Bay, Bradley Fuller and Andrew Form (The Purge films). Interestingly enough, Black Sails was renewed for a second season by the STARZ network, 6 months prior to the season one premiere, due to intense fan reaction at Comic-Con.
The series was a re-released on the Amazon Prime network, but doesn’t feature any new seasons past the current four. Its cast includes Toby Stephens (Lost in Space), Hannah New and Tom Hopper (Game of Thrones).
TV Show Air Date & Info for the UK
UK Channel: Amazon (Prime Video)
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Black Sails is on Prime Video.
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