
Younger is an American comedy-drama which follows Liza Miller, a single mother who after being mistaken for younger than she really is, decides to take the chance to reboot her career and her love life as a 26-year old.


 TV Show Air Date & Info for the UK

Next UK Air Date: TBA [Suggest?]
Last Season: 3
Genre: Comedy, Romance

UK Channel: Comedy Central

Country of Origin:  No items found
Renewed: Not Known
Broadcast: Weekly

 Previous UK Season Air Dates

Season 2
27th Jul 2016

Season 1
25th Nov 2015

 Younger Trailer


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16 thoughts on “Younger”

  1. My daughters and I just love this show and look forward to hearing when Series 3 will be shown in UK

    • It is great! Not sure on S3 date yet but I’m pretty sure it’s coming to Comedy Central 😀 I don’t think it’ll be long! – Matt

  2. Hi
    Please can you tell us which date in May season 3 of Younger starts in the U.K. as I have been waiting 5 years for it.
    I love this show!!!!

  3. I love this show and don’t understand why when it is already a few years old it is SO hard for us to just watch in the uk??
    They have series 1 and 2 on now Tv/ sky and series 2 finished weeks ago – Why hasn’t series 3 started yet? It’s not like it’s new? And why can’t we just buy the box set anywhere? Again you can do this with all other series and I would happily just buy it to watch. Finding it very frustrating and can’t find anything online anywhere! Clearly I’m not waiting patiently!

  4. I emailed Comedy Central UK about ten days ago asking for a broadcast date and have not yet received a response. Suggest everyone emails them so they start to see how much people want to watch it! End of last year they said they were showing series 2 right up to current season ahead of next season launch in the US. What happened?

  5. Comedy Central UK acquired 6 seasons of Younger so season 3 should be coming. See link.

    • This is great news…It gives us hope.. Not too much longer to wait until Autumn.
      Thanks for the update!

  6. Hi

    Please can someone tell me when Season 5 of Younger will be on in the UK?

    They finally put on season 3 on Comedy Central after years of waiting, followed immediately by season 4 which was great. Now we are back to waiting for Season 5.

    I love this show!!!

  7. OMG I’m desperate for an air date for season 5! I’ve finally found something I’m hooked on other than watching friends over and over!

  8. Omg really to to see season 5 and 6 im well hooked and cant find a way to watch it. Come on comedy central when are you airing this.

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