Created by Dan Harmon (Rick and Morty), this cult classic American comedy is set at a community college in the fictional town of Greendale, Colorado. Featuring an all star cast including Joel McHale, Gillian Jacobs (Love), Donald Glover (Atlanta), Danny Pudi, Yvette Nicole brown, Alison Brie (Bojack Horseman, GLOW), Chevy Chase and Jim Rash; the show ran for 6 seasons between 2009 – 2015.
Starting out as an unlikely study group, and despite their differences, the cast became a close-knit group of friends and the show followed the misadventures that ensued. It’s comedic value lay in the use of pop culture references, ongoing self-referential jokes, and parody. Spanning 110 episodes, Community explored numerous story lines, topics, and the wacky exploits of the group within the university which, more often than not, involved the Dean’s strange requests to make the college seem more appealing.
TV Show Air Date & Info for the UK
UK Channel: Sony Channel
Despite being cancelled in 2015, the show has recently been picked up by channel 4 and you can access the first few seasons now on All 4.
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