
Condor is an American series based on the novel ‘Six Days of the Condor’ and its 1975 film adaptation ‘Three Days of the Condor’. The series follows young CIA analyst Joe Turner (Max Irons – The Host, Dorian Gray), whose idealism is tested when he stumbles onto a terrible but brilliant plan that threatens the lives of millions. Turner secretly joins the CIA hoping to reform it from within, but when everyone in his office is massacred by professional killers, he’s is forced out of his ivory tower think tank and into battle with the most dangerous elements in the military-industrial complex. If he is to have any chance of surviving, Joe will have to do things he never imagined himself capable of – and discover that no one knows their true character until they’ve been tested under fire.


 TV Show Air Date & Info for the UK

Next UK Air Date: TBA [Suggest?]
Last Season: 1
Genre: Thriller

UK Channel: Universal TV

Country of Origin:USA
Renewed: Yes

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