Cougar Town is an American TV sitcom which aired on the ABC network in the US. Starring Friends alum Courtney Cox, the show was broadcast from September 2009 until March 2015. Created by Bill Lawrence and Kevin Biegel, the series is set in a Californian suburb – “Cougar Town” – nicknamed due to the high school mascot being a cougar. The series follows Jules Cobb, a recent divorcee facing the challenges and pitfalls of life’s next chapter. She balances the relationship between her teenage son, ex-husband, and supportive girlfriends. Cougar Town also features Christa Miller (Scrubs), Busy Philipps (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt) and Dan Byrd (Scandal) in acting roles.
TV Show Air Date & Info for the UK
UK Channel: Sky Witness
The show was broadcast in the UK on Sky Living before it was rebranded to Sky Witness.
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