Based on a well received novel ZeroZeroZero by Roberto Saviano, this fast-paced and quirky series is directed by Stefano Sollima and Janus Metz. It has been created by Sky Studios and is one that will have you hooked from the beginning. It is all about a cocaine shipment that makes its way to Europe, starting from the moment a powerful cartel of Italian criminals decides to buy it. It tracks the journey through Mexico to its shipment across the Atlantic Ocean. Not to mention the trials and tribulations that go along with it. It is based all around the lethal world of international drug trafficking following the buyers, sellers and brokers who drive it into a frenzy. We all have ideal visions of the drug world, and this series has captured it in the best possible way. It is a gripping series that will have you following the bad guys and hoping they will succeed.
TV Show Air Date & Info for the UK
UK Channel: Sky Atlantic
ZeroZeroZero Trailer
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