Code 404 is set in the Special Investigation Unit at the London Met. The series revolves around Detective Inspectors, DI John Major (Daniel Mays, The Bank Job) and DI Roy Carver (Stephen Graham, This Is England), who are the top crime fighting duo in the Unit. However, when an undercover sting goes horribly wrong, Major is killed on the job.
How will the SIU function without Major? Well luckily it doesn’t have to. Fortunately, as he’s considered an ‘asset’ too valuable to lose, Major’s body is fast-tracked into an experimental Artificial Intelligence project to bring him back from the dead. The only problem is, Major 2.0 may look like and sound like the original, but something has been lost in translation – quite a lot actually.
TV Show Air Date & Info for the UK
UK Channel: Sky One
Previous UK Season Air Dates
More like Code 404
This program should should never have been allowed to get past the the “sell it to a tv station” stage, it is C**P with very few laughs. It mashes together different plots from a multitude of other programs in the hope it will work, i’m really glad they only did 6 episodes