Krypton is an American TV Show set two generations before Superman’s home planet (Krypton) is destroyed. The show follows Seg-El (Cameron Cuffe), Superman’s grandfather who is faced with life and death decisions. Seg learns that Krypton is being targeted by the alien Brainiac (Blake Ritson) in order to stop his grandson, Superman from ever being born.
The series is not part of the DC Extended Universe or the Arrowverse. Lead actor, Cameron Welsh describes the show as being “adjacent” to the DC movies and set in a “fully realized DC Universe”.
TV Show Air Date & Info for the UK
UK Channel: E4
Previous UK Season Air Dates
Krypton Trailer
Fun Fact
Filming was supposed to occur in Montreal, but due to wanting to differ itself from other DC TV shows, most of the filming took place in Serbia and Eastern Europe.
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