The Vampire Diaries is set in the fictional town of Mystic Falls, Virginia, a town charged with supernatural history since its settlement of migrants from New England in the late 19th century. It follows the life of Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev), a teenage girl who has just lost both parents in a car accident, as she falls in love with a 162-year-old vampire named Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley), all while Stefan’s mysterious older brother Damon Salvatore (Ian Somerhalder) returns, with a plan to bring back their past love Katherine Pierce, a vampire who looks exactly like Elena. The story follows all of the trials and tribulations from then on and we encounter many different characters and supernatural threats.
Additional story-lines revolve around the other characters, most notably Elena’s younger brother Jeremy Gilbert (Steven R. McQueen), her best friends Bonnie Bennett (Kat Graham) and Caroline Forbes (Candice King), their mutual friends Tyler Lockwood (Michael Trevino) and Matt Donovan (Zach Roerig), and their history teacher, vampire hunter Alaric Saltzman (Matthew Davis). The town’s politics are orchestrated by descendants of the original founding families, all comprising a “Founders’ Council”, who guard the town mainly from vampires.
Later in the series some of the characters break off for a spin-off called The Originals, based on the original vampire family.
TV Show Air Date & Info for the UK
UK Channel: ITV 2
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