The True Blood TV show is a Vampire Fantasy Drama which has a huge cast featuring Anna Paquin (X-Men), Stephen Moyer (The Gifted), Alexander Skarsgård (The Little Drummer Girl), Sam Trammell and Ryan Kwanten (The Oath). Based in the town of Bon Temps, True Blood follows a shy girl called Sookie Stackhouse (Paquin). Sookie can hear people’s thoughts and all her life it’s been driving her mad, until one day she meets Bill Compton (Moyer), a vampire, whose thoughts she cannot hear. After hearing people’s thoughts for so long, she finds peace when speaking to Bill and the two find a connection, little does she know what she’ll eventually get herself into, nor the power she holds herself. The show weaves multiple story-lines across various characters that interlink and eventually all come together which is brilliantly done.
TV Show Air Date & Info for the UK
UK Channel: FOX
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