Elementary is an American procedural drama series which in short, is a modern take on the cases of Sherlock Holmes, with the detective now living in New York City.
TV Show Air Date & Info for the UK
UK Channel: Sky Witness
Previous UK Season Air Dates
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Fun Fact
This modernised, American, Sherlock Holmes based TV show deals with gender equality very well, with female roles cast for both Dr. Watson (Sherlock's companion) and Moriarty (Sherlock's Nemesis).
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There is no date on this page so I do not know when it was published. I am a huge fan of Elementary and am already mourning its demise now in 2019. I keep hearing about a UK airing but have no details. Will it air in the UK after it wraps up in the states? If so, will it just be repeats or new shows (hope springs eternal!)? Thank you.