British sci-fi comedy drama Misfits is an E4 series which follows a group of young offenders who’ve been sentenced for various crimes and are now performing community service. However, after they’re caught outside in an electrical storm they realise they’ve obtained various super powers. Things change dramatically after this as they’re thrust into a crazy world of crime, danger and eventually fame – often taking dark turns along the way.
Starring Robert Sheehan (The Umbrella Academy), Iwan Rheon (Game of Thrones), Antonia Thomas (Lovesick), Joseph Gilgun (Preacher) and Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Utopia) the multi-talented cast bring a gripping sense of excitement to the show. It became a cult teenage TV series during its run time from 2009 to 2013.
TV Show Air Date & Info for the UK
UK Channel: E4
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Fun Fact
Relatively unknown actor Iwan Rheon was propelled into stardom when he was cast as Ramsay Bolton in Game of Thrones.
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